The Sokoto State House of Assembly on Tuesday suspended two of its members, Sani Yakubu (APC- Gudu) and Malami Galadanchi (APC- Sokoto North I).
Reports that the two lawmakers were suspended for unethical conduct.
The assembly had set up a special committee to investigate the conduct of the two members during the recent impeachment of the Deputy House Leader, Kabiru Ibrahim.
The Committee, headed by Habibu Modachi (APC- Isa), in its report, said the two members had pleaded guilty to the charges against them.
According to the report, the conduct of the members on Aug. 15 in the legislative chamber was “unethical” and contravened the house standing rules.
Subsequently, the assembly accepted the report and suspended Yakubu for 40 legislative days while Galadanchi was suspended for 30 legislative days.
The two were also told to submit separate letters of apology to the Assembly.
The Speaker, Alhaji Salihu Maidaji, presided over the House sitting. (NAN)