A popular Nollywood actress, Adenike Hamzah has debunked the viral claim that she was in a sexual relationship with top star, Odunlade Adekola, as she emphatically thrashed the report.
Hamzah in a video posted on social media said the report is not true, and she is not dating Adekola who she regards as her boss in the movie industry as reports revealed that she trained under Adekola.
In her words:
“My name is Adenike Hamzah, I am doing this video to respond to what was posted on a blog about me dating my boss, Mr Odunlade Adekola.
Adenike Hamzah, I hereby debunk it. It is not true, it has never been true, and it will never be true. None of it has ever happened, and none of it is happening. I have not done it before and I can’t do it.
“I will never, I will never offer anybody sex a role and I am not dating my boss, I repeat I am not dating my boss, Mr Odunlade Adekola.
“Do not spoil my brand, this little brand I am growing. Please don’t spoil it.”