Despite significant reductions since the Cold War, the global nuclear arsenal remains substantial, with nine countries holding approximately 12,121 warheads as of early 2024....
By Dr. Jude Dike, Ph.D.
In the complex and often perilous world of international relations, the actions of world leaders reverberate far beyond their borders....
I recently launched a mentorship platform for young lawyers and law students in Nigeria, supported by a group of committed and experienced friends, both...
Tinu, Tola and Rita have been friends for about 20 years. They all started small but God has been kind to them. Their marriages...
Around 3.5% of the world population are immigrants—people living in a country they were not originally born in.
This worked out to around 281 million...
By Bola Bolawole 0807 552 5533, 0803 251 0193
How many people know the difference between another year and a new year? When, on the...